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the experts at EnviroTech Services. Our posts will discuss ESI projects, product updates, usage tips, new technologies, industry developments, and company news. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!

Best Dust Control Product: Landfills, Agriculture, Mining & Energy

Our roads take us where we need to go, but they are large open spaces vulnerable to erosion and other environmental hazards. They crack and deform with age, releasing dust and other debris into the surroundings. Thus, making the roads hazardous to everyone who lives and works near them. Fortunately, with proper care and planning, our roads can serve us for years without issue. However, each industry has its own environmental concerns.

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Maintenance and Preservation of Gravel Roads

An environmentally-friendly solution for better dust control in agricultural, mining and landfill access roads, X-Hesion Pro binds to the surface of unpaved roads, stabilizing the soil. Surface preservation may be especially important for industrial roads and access roads, particularly for mining sites. Dangerously eroded roads can be extremely hazardous when heavy equipment is used.

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We Can Help Farmers with Water Conservation and Dust Control

Many Farmers seek to find more effective ways to conserve water and keep dust at a minimum. In response to these needs, we at EnviroTech Services Inc. have created a water conservation program that uses the additive X-Hesion Pro®, the next generation in our line proprietary, ultra-low chloride based formulations utilizing agriculturally derived, complex organic polymers, to successfully and sustainably accomplish your goals. We have some answers to questions that you may have about how our program can benefit your agricultural work.

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Reducing Water and Improving Dust Control for Produce Farmers in the West: A New Solution.

The ongoing drought in the west is causing more problems than just a lack of rain for farmers. California set a new “low water” mark measurement (California Department of Water Resources). The statewide electronic reading of the snowpack’s water content stands at 5 percent of average, or 5 percent of the 28-inch average. The lowest previous reading since 1950 was 25 percent of average, so Water Year 2015 is the driest winter in California’s written record.

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Road Maintenance for your Mining Operation

Whether your mine is open pit or underground, one of the keys to keeping it operating at peak capacity is maintaining the roads that transport your products, employees, and equipment to and from the mine site.

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Water Conservation: Saving More Than Just Water

Water is so important that when scientists search for life on other planets, the first thing they look for is evidence of water. Water is one of the world’s most precious natural resources and, therefore, should be treated like one. This means water protection and conservation is a priority.

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Landfill Dust Control: More than Just Being a Good Neighbor

Almost no one wants to have a landfill near their property for fear that the smell, the rodents, and the dust will diminish local property values. But modern, well-run landfill operations do everything they can do to help prevent all of those problems.

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A Critical Year for Dust Control in Orchards and Vineyards

Forecasters predict a record-breaking dry, dusty summer in the West – a prime growing region for tree fruit, nuts and grapes. The news has growers worried about drought and dust control.

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Water Conservation: A Dust Management Program

With water costs continually on the rise, along with the expense of trucking, utilizing water as your sole dust control solution is becoming less and less feasible. Like any part of your business, you want your water application process to be done in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. In order to ensure your business is getting the most out of its water application, consider instituting a water conservation program.

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An Environmental Approach to Dust Control

Traditional dust reduction can take a toll on vehicles and nearby land surfaces. Dust contamination of crops and personal injury are a couple of reasons why controlled watering of roads with high dust levels take place a couple times a day, an exhausting task for miners and road safety personnel.

There is a much more effective, cost (and time) effiicient approach to insuring a safe environment, controlling dust at your operation for regulatory requirements – and for our neighbors.

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