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 EnviroTech Journal

We Can Help Farmers with Water Conservation and Dust Control

Posted by jonathan.nelson on 7.15.2015

Many Farmers seek to find more effective ways to conserve water and keep dust at a minimum. In response to these needs, we at EnviroTech Services Inc. have created a water conservation program that uses the additive X-Hesion Pro®, the next generation in our line proprietary, ultra-low chloride based formulations utilizing agriculturally derived, complex organic polymers, to successfully and sustainably accomplish your goals. We have some answers to questions that you may have about how our program can benefit your agricultural work.

helping farmers water conservation dust control

What is X-Hesion Pro® and how does it work?
X-Hesion Pro® is a unique blend made up of organic polymers that is used as an additive in all kinds of roads, including rural roads and orchards. Our lab scientists have created this polymer blend to absorb and preserve moisture in your roads as we run our water trucks on them. The water retained in your roads, in turn, prevents dust from collecting.

How will X-Hesion Pro® benefit my farm?
Using our X-Hesion Pro® to preserve water potentially reduces water usage by more than 50 percent and increases efficiency in labor, fuel, and water costs. Adding this polymer combination in your road base also controls dust on your roads, thereby making your roads visible to drivers and preventing dust from entering their lungs.

Will X-Hesion Pro® negatively affect my soil’s sustainability?
Not at all. X-Hesion Pro® is a USDA-certified biobased product that contains an ultra-low amount of chloride and therefore, introduces a very little amount into your soil. We at EnviroTech always keep the safety of our environment in mind when we create new technologies to improve your roads.

Are you interested in using X-Hesion Pro® for water conservation and minimizing dust? If so, contact us or request your FREE site evaluation today.


Understanding X-Hesion Pro

The next generation in our line of proprietary, ultra-low chloride based formulations.

Download PDF

Topics: Environmental, Dust Control & Soil Stabilization, Water Conservation, Agriculture