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EnviroTech Journal

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the experts at EnviroTech Services. Our posts will discuss ESI projects, product updates, usage tips, new technologies, industry developments, and company news. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!

Dust Control at Demolition Sites

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires demolition sites to properly manage storm water and dust to comply with environmental regulations and reduce environmental impacts. One concern that arises while working on a demolition site is the possibility of site pollutants being released into nearby waterways due to storm water runoff.

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X-Hesion® Pro: Dust Control and Road Stabilization for Dynamic Roads

As an industry leader, EnviroTech Services, Inc. is always looking raise the bar by developing innovative and environmentally conscious dust control and road stabilization products, like X-Hesion® Pro.

X-Hesion Pro is an ultra-low, chloride-based dust control and road stabilization product that utilizes complex, organic polymers that reduces the overall cost of maintain unpaved roads.

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Nez Perce County Experiments with Ice Slicer®

With the assistance of EnviroTech Services, Inc., the Nez Perce County Road and Bridge Department in Idaho is now using Ice Slicer®, a granular deicer composed of naturally occurring minerals and complex chlorides. Check out "Ancient Salt the New Thing for NPC," by the Lewiston Tribute about Nez Perce County and Bridge Department using Ice Slicer.

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Sustainable Practices in Your Backyard

When you look outside, what do you see?

For many people living in the United States, it is common to see a lawn when looking outside your front window. The American fascination with lawns can be seen as early as the 17th century when a large, well-maintained lawn served as a symbol of wealth. However, as society and agricultural technology advanced, lawns become more accessible and soon became a staple feature of the American Dream.

But times are changing...

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Alaska DOT AMP®-lifies Deicing and Anti-Icing Treatment

When winter storms come, it is typically the state’s Department of Transportation (DOT) and Public Works Agency's responsibility to ensure roads are snow and ice free. Individuals who help create and implement deicing and anti-icing programs are looking to make strategic decisions that maximize operational efficiency.

To increase efficiency, it is important to avoid expensive and time-consuming obstacles, like vehicle maintenance and replacement. State DOTs and Public Works Agencies are taking proactive measures to minimize issues, like corrosion damage, which can be a large contributor to vehicle damage. 

Corrosion is a natural oxidation process that erodes metals due to chemical reactions. Once corrosion is present, it spreads quickly and degrades the quality of metal by forming abrasions, cracks, and holes. State DOTs are working to alleviate corrosion damage by decreasing the amount of product needed to clear roads by implementing brine technology and corrosion inhibitors.

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The Polar Vortex is "Snow" Joke

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Deicing and Anti-Icing: What's the Difference?

According to the Federal Highway Administration, there are over 1,300 deaths and more than 116,800 injuries caused by vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy or icy pavements across the nation each year. Road surface condition is the single most important safety factor during a winter event — more important than visibility, precipitation, air temperature, wind or exposure.

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What is a 'Biobased' Product?

The BioPreferred Program, managed by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA), was formed to increase the purchase and use of biobased products.

The creation of the BioPreferred Program was a part of expanding the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 with the purpose of increasing economic development and environment preservation. “The increased development, purchase, and use of biobased products reduces our nation's reliance on petroleum, increases the use of renewable agricultural resources, and contributes to reducing adverse environmental and health impacts” (USDA).

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The Evolution of the Tire Ballast Industry

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Ice Slicer: How Does it Compare to The Competition?

Granular deicer, Ice Slicer®, has increased power to break the bond of snow and ice from various surfaces compared to traditional deicing solutions. Ice Slicer is a homogenous (non-blended) solution primarily composed of four complex chlorides and  50+ trace minerals. Although the initial price of Ice Slicer might be higher than traditional solutions, the superior performance decreases overall costs because of lower application rates and reduced manpower. Additionally, the natural corrosion-inhibitors crystallized within each granule prevents excess damage to machinery, which decreases the overall cost of ownership.

Don't just take our word for it. Let's look at study results comparing Ice Slicer's performance to white salt, solar salt, and sand.

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