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EnviroTech Journal

Welcome to the EnviroTech Services blog! Check out all the latest industry tips and tricks coming straight to you from
the experts at EnviroTech Services. Our posts will discuss ESI projects, product updates, usage tips, new technologies, industry developments, and company news. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!

FAQ About Pre-wetting Deicer

Transportation agencies and snow fighting crews use some innovative ways to keep us all safe during the winter. Many of these practices maximize the physical and chemical reactions needed to melt ice and snow quickly to restore safe driving conditions. Here we will answer frequently asked questions about the specific practice of pre-wetting deicing products before applying them.

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How to Choose Product Based on Storm Conditions

Winter storms take on a variety of different forms. Whether it’s ice storms, thick powder, slush, blinding blizzards, or a mix of conditions, our goal must be the same...clear roads fast. However, not all deicers are effective in all storm scenarios. Let’s talk about how to choose a road treatment product based on storm conditions.

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Winter Maintenance Best Practices (FREE Webinar)

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Granular Deicers: What Makes Ice Slicer® Unique

EnviroTech is proud to offer Ice Slicer®; a deicer treatment with a special geological history that has given it unique chemical and physical properties that prove not all salt is created equal. Here we will learn more about what makes Ice Slicer® a cut above other salts.

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Difference Between Exothermic and Endothermic Processes

Every chemical process involves the transfer of energy. Here, we will learn about 2 important chemical processes: exothermic and endothermic reactions, how they differ, and why they are so important when it comes to deicing roadways.

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What Are Complex Chlorides And Why Do They Matter?

“Salt is salt” is a common misconception which has permeated the deicing industry for years. In reality, there are several chemical and physical properties that distinguish different salts from each other. Let’s learn about a specific type of deicer containing complex chlorides and why that matters for road safety, infrastructure, and the environment.

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When to Fill Your Shed

As we sit poolside, sipping lemonade, winter can feel so far away. Simply out of sight and out of mind. It is understandably difficult to bother ourselves with concerns of bundling up and preparing for winter storms. However, it is during these times that we should make arrangements to stay one step ahead of Jack Frost’s unpredictable arrival. Let’s look at how and when you should prepare your winter deicing plan, acquire your supplies, and fill your shed for the months to come.

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Why is Nature's Best® the 'Best'?

Nature’s Best® is a naturally occurring granular sodium chloride blend that comes from a side stream of the mining of potash. Each salt crystal contains traces of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride.

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When to Use Sand For Winter Maintenance

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An Ice Slicer® Story

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