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Granular Deicers: What Makes Ice Slicer® Unique

Posted by Guest Blogger Brooke Loeffler on 10.19.2021

EnviroTech is proud to offer Ice Slicer®; a deicer treatment with a special geological history that has given it unique chemical and physical properties that prove not all salt is created equal. Here we will learn more about what makes Ice Slicer® a cut above other salts.

Ice Slicer® is Chemically Unique

The Synergy of Complex Chlorides

All ice melt products use ingredients that lower the freezing temperature of water. Chloride salts are the most common and economical of these freeze point depressants:

  • Sodium chloride (performs down to 21°F)
  • Potassium chloride (performs down to 12°F)
  • Magnesium chloride (performs down to 5°F)
  • Calcium chloride (performs down to -25°F)

Each chloride salt performs differently when added to ice and snow, and works best at different temperature ranges. White salt only contains sodium chloride and only works down to around a practical temperature 21° F. Ice Slicer® naturally contains a blend of complex chlorides to kickstart faster melting, then synergize and work together at lower temperatures.

  • Click here to learn more about complex chlorides

Chemical Formula of 60+ Trace Minerals

Ice Slicer® also contains 60+ trace minerals that help reduce corrosion and naturally buffer the effects of chlorides on the environment. In fact, when applied in the advised amounts, Ice Slicer’s® unique chemistry of rare earth minerals actually nourishes soil, plants, and animals alike.

Ice Slicer® Is Physically Unique

Homogenous Blend

Ice Slicer® is naturally mined and unrefined, so its homogenous blend of 60+ minerals remains undisturbed. Free from the liquid coatings of other deicing salts, Ice Slicer® maintains the same high performance for longer because its formula is uniformly distributed through each granule.

Natural Color

Ice Slicer’s® signature color also helps it naturally outperform other salts. This darker color has a lower albedo factor which more efficiently attracts solar radiation for a stronger endothermic reaction and faster melting power.

  • Click here to learn more about albedo factor and the solar properties of ice melt.

Coarse Texture/Crystalline Structure

Direct from Utah’s ground to your roadway, Ice Slicer® does not go through any chemical or physical changes. This natural mining process preserves Ice Slicer’s® coarse surface texture, crystalline structure, and gradation of large to small granules.

These physical properties help Ice Slicer outperform other salts:

  • Quickly restores stabilizing road traction
  • Grips the road surface and reduces bounce and scatter (less product waste and keeps it on the road where it belongs)
  • Works longer as fine granules brine quickly and large granules brine slowly

Mother Nature has given Ice Slicer every benefit to naturally outperform other salts. Contact us today to try Ice Slicer for yourself!

Topics: Deicing Products, Deicing & Anti-Icing, Ice Slicer