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Everything You Need to Know About Corrosion Control

Posted by Maren Garcia on 8.13.2020

A common and costly issue a variety of industries face is corrosion damage, yet no one seems to talk about it. The experts at EnviroTech are here to provide valuable information about what corrosion is, the affect of corrosion, and how it can be prevented. Let’s go over some commonly asked questions regarding corrosion:

What is Corrosion?

Corrosion is a natural oxidation process that erodes metals due to chemical reactions. The type of metal and environmental conditions influence the type and rate of corrosion. Once corrosion is present, it is quick to spread and degrade the quality of metal in surrounding areas. Corrosion deteriorates metal by forming abrasions, cracks, and holes.

How Does Corrosion Affect Vehicles?

It is common to see corrosion occur on wheel ends due to contact with salts and road chemicals. The road material contacts various parts of vehicles including metal hubs, fasteners, and underside components of trucks. It is especially common to see more corrosion damage in the winter months due to moist weather, which makes it easier for these road materials to travel through the vehicle.


How is Corrosion Dangerous?

Damage caused by corrosion can significantly reduce mechanical strength and could lead to structural failure. If vehicle wheels are significantly affected by corrosion, it can make the vehicle difficult to control and increases the likelihood of accidents. Corrosion can also cause gases and liquid to leak and potentially damage the surrounding environment. Solid corrosion can cause blockages in pipes. Overall, corrosion damage can render equipment useless and lead to safety hazards due to structural failure.

How Expensive is Corrosion?

If corrosion is left unattended, repairs will be needed which can be costly. In 2013, it was reported that the annual corrosion costs in the U.S. rose above $1 trillion. “At over 6.2% of GDP, corrosion is one of the largest single expenses in the US economy, yet it rarely receives the attention it requires… For a more thorough breakdown of specific corrosion costs by industry, see the NACE Corrosion Costs Study” (Cost of Corrosion Estimate in United States). These costs could have been avoided if proper corrosion prevention was taken.


How can Corrosion be Prevented?

There are many ways to prevent and prepare for corrosion damage. You can tackle the issue at the source by using less corrosive road materials. Rock salts used for deicing, like sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride, can be substituted for deicers composed of ultra-low chloride blends. EnviroTech Services, Inc. offers a wide range of deicers that offer a multitude of benefits, including less corrosive ultra chloride products, such as Apogee

Another way to prepare your vehicle for corrosion damage is by using aluminum and galvanized steel panels for cabs. It is common for truckers to undergo a multi-step painting process that helps protect the metal. For more information about preventative measures against corrosion damage, check out this extensive list by Heavy Duty Trucking (HDT)


To learn more about how EnviroTech can help you reduce corrosion, please visit our website.






Work Cited

Bell, Terence. “How and Why Do Metals Corrode?” ThoughtCo, 16 May 2019, www.thoughtco.com/what-is-corrosion-2339700.

“Cost of Corrosion Estimate in United States.” G2MT Laboratories, 26 Feb. 2020, www.g2mtlabs.com/corrosion/cost-of-corrosion/#:~:text=The%20total%20annual%20corrosion%20costs%20in%20the%20U.S.,is%20now%20estimated%20at%20%241.1%20trillion%20for%202016.

“Effects of Corrosion on a Commercial Fleet: Prevent Corrosion on Trucks.” IMI, 16 Mar. 2020, www.imiproducts.com/blog/corrosion-commercial-fleet/.

“What Are the Dangers of Corrosion?” CCPD, 23 Feb. 2015, www.ccpdltd.co.uk/dangers-of-corrosion/.

Topics: Trucking Operations, Corrosion Control, PeopleHelpingPeople, Industrial/Commercial