What does BioPreferred® mean?
The BioPreferred® program is managed by the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) and promotes the development, sale, and usage of products derived mainly from renewable resources rather than traditional petroleum-based products. The goal of the program is to preserve the health of the environment as well as us humans through the reduced distribution of harmful products.

X-Hesion Pro® is certified BioPreferred®.
Here at EnviroTech Services Inc., we believe that water conservation is important for a multitude of reasons, from sustaining the planet to reducing costs for the landfill, mining, and agriculture industries.
X-Hesion Pro® is an ultra-low chloride based blend, made up of organic polymers that we use to reduce the amount of water necessary to keep roads and similar areas dust-free. In order for our water conservation program to be successful, the product used must be congruent with our overall values, and that means using as natural a product as possible that is as healthy for the planet as are the strives to conserve fresh water.
America’s dependence on and gross overuse of both petroleum products and fresh water has impacted the planet in disastrous ways that are becoming increasingly clear as time passes. The use of X-Hesion Pro® is a positive answer to both the need to conserve the planet’s water supply, as well as the initiative to reduce our reliance on petroleum products by proving that plant derived products are just as effective and cost-efficient as their petroleum-based counterparts.
The USDA issued the following statement:
“On behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) BioPreferred® program, I am pleased to inform you that your application for use of the USDA Certified BioBased Product Label for X-Hesion Pro® has been approved as of June 17, 2015. The test result for X-Hesion Pro® indicated that its biobased content is 96%. According to your application, you may now use the label on the product X-Hesion Pro®.”
We are proud to have certified not just one product, but three for use of the USDA Certified BioBased Product Label. To find out more about this certification, visit www.biopreferred.gov, or follow @BioPreferred on Twitter.
We are proud to lead the industry with our innovative X-Hesion Pro® water conservation and dust control solution. Contact us today to see how X-Hesion Pro® can help satisfy all your business requirements and needs or request you FREE site evaluation today!