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5 Must-Have's You Need This Winter To Stay Ahead of the Deicing Game

Posted by jonathan.nelson on 11.12.2015

Staying ahead of Mother Nature is not exactly a game, but your organization can have a winning winter season if you take note of the following five must-have's for your operation. 

5 Must-Have's This Winter To Stay Ahead of the Game

1. If you don't already have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in place, this is your number one must-have. Your SOP needs to be specific to your organization and account for all possible scenarios. Along with having one in place, it must be communicated with your entire organization and properly managed through the entire winter season to ensure everyone is on the same page. Think of it as the glue holding your organization together.

2. A substantial supply of materials. If you have ever had to restock your warehouse mid-season, you know it is a lost cause. You will be competing with other ill-prepared organizations across the country, trying to obtain products that are high in demand and low in supply. Customers will be forced to turn elsewhere, and that will be an automatic loss to your business. Order more than you think and order early.

3. A variety of products. Mother Nature will throw everything she has at you this winter. Be prepared for all types of precipitation. It is wise to stock up with a couple of products to effectively treat the proper type of location and precipitation. We have a variety of products, no needs to go looking for the next (probably costly) ‘big fad’ rather, use what is available to you. Talk to us to see what is readily available to you and will work best for your unique needs.

4. An updated route map. Taking the time now to drive your routes and account for construction, new traffic patterns, closed roads and narrow bridges will help your drivers have a safe and efficient trip in winter conditions. It is also wise to track how many bridges and overpasses you need to service, as they may require more product.

5. A strong relationship with your supplier. Make sure you have someone you can count on to supply your organization this winter. EnviroTech Services, Inc. is committed to helping you succeed and stay safe this winter. Contact us to see how our products and services can help you outsmart Mother Nature.


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EnviroTech Services, Inc., a Greeley, Colorado-based Small Business manufacturer of problem-solving products for the de-icing and dust control markets. Over 26 years of "People Helping People Help the Environment".

Topics: Deicing & Anti-Icing, Environmental, Road Maintenance, Industrial/Commercial